Saturday, September 18, 2010

chapter 7, using Technology to teach math

While I was reading, I tried to remember how I used a calculator in high school and if my memory serves me right I remember only using it for a few functions but for sure not in the way the book describes. I was very impressed with the wide variety of possibilities a teacher can introduce technology to the students and the great opportunities they have to gain mathematical skills in such a fun way. In addition, the whole idea that calculators and computers are used to enhance the student’s problem solving skills wasn’t something I thought about previously.
I also liked when the book emphasized that “Again, however this device is only as useful as the tasks teachers create for students” some think that a teacher’s job is easier today as “we let the children think for themselves”. What they need to understand is that the teacher’s job is actually more challenging as we need to create learning experiences which will provoke the children and plan for tasks which promote deeper thinking to complete.
The other great thing about using technology is the many possibilities for the child to practice without the teacher having to prepare so many materials and without the child needing to clean up afterwards.
I will conclude by saying that now I have a better idea regarding using technology however, I think teachers (or some teachers) need to be provided with training and learn how to use these devices in a more effective way.

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